
Fun Enhancing, Versatile D&D5E Healing Potion Dice Bottles

Created by Dusty

Fun Enhancing, Versatile, Beautiful, Healing Potion Dice Bottles that wont roll off the table (built for D&D 5e).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #5
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Jun 02, 2019 at 10:26:29 PM

Some of the almost 1,700 jars we got. Separating the corks so we can get the dragons added.
Some of the almost 1,700 jars we got. Separating the corks so we can get the dragons added.
Steve snuck a shot of me without me knowing.
Steve snuck a shot of me without me knowing.
Me, starting the individual had made process.  As Steve eloquently said, the road to 1,680 starts with #1
Me, starting the individual had made process. As Steve eloquently said, the road to 1,680 starts with #1

Help getting your survey.
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 28, 2019 at 10:42:59 AM 

If you need help accessing your survey, you can use the above link.

We are here to help and getting 100% of the surveys completed is the next step that needs to be completed.

Progress Update #4 - First items have arrived..
almost 5 years ago – Fri, May 24, 2019 at 08:54:19 PM

Happy Friday and happy Memorial Day Weekend to all of our backers from the US! In addition to BBQs and an extra day off, please take a moment to remember and honor those who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. 

I'll be away from my laptop for most of the weekend but back at it on Monday so if you need anything, I may not respond until then.

A huge thank you to those of you who have completed your surveys, almost 60% of you so far! Keep it up! If you are a backer and have not received your survey invite yet, please reach out either here or via our email (info (at) and we'll make sure you get the link. 

A whole bunch of these cute little guys just showed up.. :)

Thar be dragons here (but not in a bad way..) :)
Thar be dragons here (but not in a bad way..) :)

We will be tying a lot of these around the neck of the jars very soon.. No issues with quality so I'm pleased there. I also ordered a few extras, so help yourself in the add on store, or pre-order some if you didn't get a chance to back the project.

We also received notification that the jars (empty for now) have shipped and are expected to arrive next Friday (May 31). I suppose that means Dusty will be making us pour resin into jars during our game night next week.. The scale of the task ahead of us is beginning to sink in! ;)  

Lastly, a quick note on overseas shipping, if you're in the US you can skip the rest of this if you like..

After researching a couple of comments/complaints about the cost of shipping to Europe, I made two discoveries. 

1) The quotes I did through Shipstation are very very close to our actual costs.. I expected this, but it's nice to be validated.. They are either exact, or within pennies in every case I've checked.

2) An acquaintance mentioned in passing, a shipper he's used for his eCommerce orders that advertises better pricing on the heavier packages to Europe (and possibly other parts of the world as well). They basically get killer discounts from DHL (which we cannot get ourselves at our volume). I'm waiting to confirm with them, most likely early next week, but if correct, I'll be updating the shipping tables with the lower costs. The single jar orders will not likely change, as the new shipper was actually more expensive for those, but the complete sets and DM/Ultimate sets look to be getting quite a bit cheaper. You don't need to do anything as Backerkit will automatically update your total. No shipping quotes will increase in price, I'll only make changes if we can save you (and us) some money. You'll still have an opportunity to review before we lock orders down.

Have a wonderful weekend!

- Steve

Progress Update #3 - Remaining Surveys are being sent and a choice of colors for the bag interiors!
almost 5 years ago – Thu, May 23, 2019 at 12:47:10 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Pre-order store for anyone who missed the Kickstarter campaign
almost 5 years ago – Wed, May 22, 2019 at 05:05:13 PM

We had a few people reach out saying they missed the cut off for the Kickstarter campaign. If anyone missed it and wants to order any items, the pre-order store is available here:

Orders will ship after we've shipped to our Kickstarter backers.

