
Fun Enhancing, Versatile D&D5E Healing Potion Dice Bottles

Created by Dusty

Fun Enhancing, Versatile, Beautiful, Healing Potion Dice Bottles that wont roll off the table (built for D&D 5e).

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping estimates are now available in the FAQ (and good news about US shipping!)
about 5 years ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2019 at 12:01:06 AM

I've posted shipping estimates in the FAQ section. For the list of countries, I went by the list of top countries we have backers in according to the community page, as well as those of you who reached out either in the comments or via email. If I am missing any, just let me know.

Rather than posting the same information here again, I'll keep them in one place. That way, if I have further updates, I can just edit them there. I will post an update whenever I make an update to them.

A bit of good news.. I am very happy to report that I was able to get better than anticipated rates for US shipping. They are priority mail from USPS so delivery will take place 1-3 days after shipment.

I am not entirely happy with how much International shipping is costing. I will keep trying to find better and less expensive ways of getting them to those of you who are outside the US, but wanted to get the information I have out there so you all would have it.

Feel free to comment with any questions or suggestions.


DM Scotty from "The DM's Craft" on YouTube
about 5 years ago – Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 04:44:28 PM

Scotty has officially given his thumbs up and approval of this project.

It was his video series that got me started on my path of being a crafting DM.

To quote him on this Kickstarter he said, "A potion a day keeps the death saves away." 

Thanks for everything Scotty.

Stretch Goal: $5,000
about 5 years ago – Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 08:03:14 PM

As a thank you for all your support we can now offer our 1st stretch goal.

At $5,000 we will add our Dragon to the top of every Healing Potion Dice Bottle.

Maybe he is just decorative, or maybe he is a magical protector.

If someone other than you tries opening your potion, maybe your dragon will hit them with a Fire Bolt. Or, he might bite them for 2d6 piercing damage.

Please help spread the word about this Kickstarter. Share it, post it, re-post it!

Thank you for your support so far.

How much farther can we take it?

The first 100 Backers
about 5 years ago – Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 08:49:36 AM

You guys are amazing! 

We have reached our 1st 100 backers.

Thank you so much for your support.

We are finalizing some details on a great stretch goal that will partner with the Healing Potions nicely. Stay tuned.

Keep spreading the word!

What an Incredible Start!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 05:00:01 AM

Thank you all so much for your support! We're both humbled and blown away... We reached our goal in less than 12 hours!

When I sent a txt to Dusty this morning to tell him we hit our goal, he responded with:

Wide eyed 😳 with a look of, "holy crap + yeaaa!"


Please allow me to introduce myself..

I'm Steve - I'm Dusty's neighbor, one of his players, and a collaborator on this project. Dusty created some beautiful potion bottles, and they, along with the other amazing crafting he does, really does make the game even more fun. That's why I encouraged him to do this. Dusty will be on here as well, but his schedule is a little more constrained than mine. So I'll be answering many of your questions, and handling some of the tasks behind getting these rewards out to you as quickly as possible so you can start enjoying them.

I will create FAQs for the below but for now..

Shipping outside the US

As we were putting this project together, we did some initial research on shipping to countries outside the US. It's definitely doable, but putting quotes together for each reward level with shipping, potential taxes and customs duties to each country was not practical. So we decided to wait and see if we even got orders from outside the US. Well, here we are.. :)

The shipping estimates for the US should be good "worst case" scenarios, we'll use the most economical means once we get closer to fulfillment.

For countries outside the US, if you've backed us, or want to but are unsure about shipping, just reach out and I can put some estimates together. (A couple of you have already reached out). We don't want there to be any unpleasant surprises for anyone, so I'll get to these as quickly as possible, hopefully in 24 hours or less. The best way to handle this is to email us at [email protected], but I will also be monitoring the comments.

Add On Rewards

Dusty and I talked a lot about add ons that would be cool to do with the project and we (mostly he) had some great ideas. We weren't sure what would be possible, because we had no idea how many backers we'd get, or if we'd even fund. Now that we have a significant number of you awesome people aboard, we can start to put some of those ideas out there. Stay tuned in the next day or two for an update.

Again, thank you all for backing this project. We're both looking forward to getting these out the door and making D&D more fun for you too!